White Gap Road, Little Weighton, East Yorkshire HU20 3XE

Tel: 01482 844743

Little Weighton Rowley C of E Primary

Together We Can...


Welcome to Class One

 Here are some photographs and videos of the learning that has been happening in our class this year. We have learnt from each other, as well as from visitors and on our trips too. 

Computing Skills - Autumn 2024

We have been practising our computing skills, naming the parts of the computer and using the mouse and keyboard to drag, drop and type. 

Geography - Autumn 2024

This half term we have using ‘Google Earth’ and atlases to find about the United Kingdom. First we explored Little Weighton, then we zoomed out to explore England and the capital city of London. Next stop was Scotland, learning about bagpipes, kilts and haggis! We used atlases to find out that Edinburgh was the capital city. We will be visiting Wales and Northern Ireland next.

Fish and Chips

After finding England on the map and learning about some of the landmarks, we also learnt that fish and chips  was a traditional dish. Here is us cooking and enjoying our own, and some Yorkshire puddings too!

Jackson Pollock Artwork - Autumn 2024

We learnt about the artist, Jackson Pollock. We found out how he created his paintings (dripping and splattering his paint), basing them on the emotions he felt. Then we had a go ourselves. 

Claire West Art Workshop July 2024

Local artist, Claire West, came to work with our class today, exploring colour and painting techniques. She inspired us to use our ideas and put them down on the page. From rock pools to deep under the sea, the children produced some fantastic creative ideas.

Bridlington Beach Day 2024

The whole school set off for Bridlington with their buckets, spades, swimming things and towels. We all spent a fantastic day on the beach. The sun tried to shine but it didn't matter - we paddled, built sandcastles, dug, played games and ate ice creams!

Textiles in Art June 2024

We planned, designed and made a farmyard scarecrow picture, using skills such as sewing (running stitch), sewing to join materials, gluing to join materials and colouring a background. The results were all pretty amazing. 

Farmyard Visit May 2024

Today we welcomed some exciting visitors to school! We learnt lots about them, fed the lambs and cuddled the chicks. 

Dig It Day - April 2024

Here are a few photographs of us enjoying ‘Dig It’ day, where we weeded and filled the flower beds, planted and enjoyed some Spring crafts together. Head over to the main gallery to see some more photographs of our day. 

Easter Card Delivery - March 2024

We visited the local community today, taking our Easter cards to lots of the residents. 

Maths Measuring - March 2024

This week in maths we have been measuring and exploring mass, working out which objects are heavier and lighter and comparing objects. We even weighed our shoes. 

World Book Day - March 2024

It was great to see all the children in their fantastic outfits for World Book Day this year. We enjoyed a reading breakfast with parents, grandparents and carers and then spent the day reading, reviewing our books and having story time. 

The Great Fire of London - February 2024

In History we have enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London. We looked at different sources of information to find out about the houses and streets of London, how the fire started, why it spread and how it stopped. We read some of Samuel Pepys’ diary and made our own Pudding Lane, seeing how the fire spread when we set fire to it. 

                     Baking Bread - February 2024
Having reviewed products in the shops, we then planned and made our own bread buns. We designed a healthy option as well as our own choice option. We measured, mixed, kneaded and baked, We asked people at home to evaluate our products and got lots of excellent reviews. Delicious!

Design and Technology - Looking at Products

Just like Thomas Farriner, we are becoming bakers. First we looked at some popular products in the shops to help us decide what ours would look like. 

Working with Poet, John Rice - January 2024

Poet, John Rice, came to Little Weighton and spent a day with us. We all enjoyed listening to some of his poetry in assembly, joining in with actions and instruments. He then visited each class to help them to write some of their own. In Class One we had lots of fun and ended our session having written our own paradiddles. We finished off the day by sharing our work with the rest of the school. It has definitely inspired us all to just give poetry writing a go!

Reading Together

Class Three came to join us for our reading time today. We read our books to them and then they read us a story we had chosen. We all had a great time and the older children were great storytellers! 

Lights, Camel, Action! - December 2023

The children put on a great show for the parents and carers, as well as the Manor House residents, performing this year's Christmas play - Lights, Camel, Action! They sang their hearts out, remembering all their dances, song words and actions. Here are some photographs of them looking fantastic in their costumes.

More Visitors! November 2023

This time it was the community police officer, Barbara who came to visit us. She talked about her uniform and all the gadgets she had. She showed us her radio and made a call to Jess to show us how they communicate with each other. She also made sure we knew how to call her if we needed any help. All the children enjoyed trying on her helmet and jacket, as well as looking at the police car outside. The sirens were very loud!

D&T Mechanisms - November 2023

We had lots of fun looking at books this afternoon! We were exploring books that had moving part, looking at how they moved and how effective they were. You tell from our faces that we thought lots of them were great! We then went on the explore mechanisms a little further, making our own simple slider. You can see lots of the children demonstrating how it works in our pictures. 

People Who Help Us  Autumn 1 2023

Having spend the half term learning about people who help us, it was very exciting to have a visit from the Beverley firefighters. They showed us all their uniform and equipment, talked to us about what they do and how we can call them and then let us sit in their fire engine. We tried on their helmet (which was very heavy!) and explored the engine. The firefighters answered all our questions too. What a great morning! 

Fun at the Beach - June 2023

We headed off to Bridlington for our whole school trip. We looked out for human and physical features linked to our Geography work, whilst also digging, playing in the water and enjoying an ice cream. The rain held off too. The teachers all needed an early night after all the fun and I’m sure the children did too!

Andy Goldsworthy - June 2023

We have been learning about the sculptor and photographer, Andy Goldsworthy. We learnt about his early life, his training and how he became a famous artist. We used his work as inspiration for our own natural sculptures. Here are some of our masterpieces. 

Programming - June 2023

Today we had a go at using Scratch Junior to do some simple programming. We learnt about starting points and outcomes, as well as the tools and commands we would need. We all managed to make our sprite move, as well as adding a background and refining our commands. We had lots of fun along the way too!

Decorating Our Clay Sculptures

We moulded our minibeasts and carved our flowers, adding patterns with our tools and impressing beads into the clay for decorations. We let them dry and then painted them carefully with bright colours to make an effective finished sculpture. 

Exploring Clay

We learnt about where clay comes from and then explored it to find out about its properties. We rolled, kneaded, pressed and moulded it. We discovered it was very malleable and very messy when we added water!

Art Workshop May 2023 - with Claire West

We enjoyed spending the afternoon with visiting artist, Claire West. She worked with us on our minibeast  work,  teaching us how to print and how to create an effective background. We also experimented with lots of different papers to create our own collage creatures. As you can see the results were all very effective. 

Big Questions- How did the birds get their colours?- May 2023

This term, We have been thinking about some 'big questions' in our RE lessons. We have found out about what Christians and Jews believe about how the world was made. We have also learnt about what aboriginal people believe about how the world came about. One of our favourite stories has been 'how the birds got their colours'. We really enjoyed acting out the story all together.

Weaving - March 2023

We have learning about different materials and fabric and using them to develop our weaving skills. We started by using paper to make our Easter cards and then moved on to big scale weaving on our hoops, working in groups to create some excellent results. After that we started using our boards to weave different ribbons, over snd under, choosing either a hot or cold theme. In year 2 we learnt to plait and used this in a weaving design. They all looked very effective when they were finished and are proudly hung around our classroom. 

We had a go at glueing fabric together. We each made a picture of ourselves! 

Visit to the Streetlife Musuem - March 2023

As we have been learning about transport in our history this half term, we took a trip to the Streetlife Museum in Hull. We were all very excited to be on the minibus, have a packed lunch and to be going on a trip with our friends. Once there, we saw lots of things we had been learning about at school like old bikes, cars and carriages. We took a ride on the old carriage too, which we found out wasn't particularly comfortable after all. We also had a go on some old arcade machines with our pennies (20ps these days!) and look round the old street and shops. We learnt lots more and were all very tired on our way home. We had a great time!

Exploring Wheels and Axles - March 2023

We first looked around the classroom for things that could move and then compared them, finding out that lots had wheels (but not all!) We learnt about the great invention of the wheel and then explored shapes to see why wheels are round! Mrs Church gave us the impossible challenge of making a vehicle out of a selection of things - we gave it a good go, even trying sellotape. Once she gave us the axles it was much easier and we made some vehicles with wheels, axles and a chassis. They could even carry a (toy dinosaur) passenger!

Computing - Moving a Robot 

We have been thinking about instructions, making sure they are clear and accurate. We have used these to direct our Beebot around a mat, learning how to debug our programming when it goes wrong. 

Design and Technology

We have been busy learning about foods and thinking about which would make a tasty, healthy feast for the King. We tried a variety of wraps, before planning and designing our healthy starter, delicious main course and indulgent pudding. Here are some photographs of how we got on.

The King’s Feast - January 2023

Christmas Play  - December 2022

The children have been working hard to learn their lines and songs, ready for our Christmas play. The children were all brilliant on stage, performing in front of a large audience of parents and grandparents. A big well done

Christmas Time - December 2022

It’s been a very exciting time in school - we’ve been making cards for our family and the local community, decorating the classroom with festive paper chains and exchanging Christmas cards. We also had a special visitor to school, who even gave us an early Christmas present each!

Christmas Tree Decorating - December 2022

Decembers is here so it’s time to decorate the tree and classroom. 

Old and New Toys -  Autumn 2022

We have been thinking about our favourite toys, talking about why we like them, how we use them and what they are made of. We asked at home what our parents and grandparents liked to play with too. We looked at a selection of toys and used historical enquiry to work out if they were old or new, talking about how we knew. We discovered some toys have changed a lot and others haven't changed much at all. Some were similar to our own toys but often made out of different materials. We enjoyed playing with some of the toys too! 

Where the Wild Things Painting  -  Autumn 2022

In Art we have been exploring different sizes of brushes and practising our brush strokes. We have experimented with the brushes so we can make choices about which to use for a particular purpose. We all chose a thicker brush to create our colour wash background for our 'Wild Things' picture. We then chose thinner brushes to paint our own Wild Thing onto our background. This was linked to our quality text, 'Where the Wild Things Are' which we were sharing in English. We have continued to explore paint and colour, learning about primary and secondary colours and then used black and white to make tints and tones.

Computing and ‘Real Life’ Maths

As part of our computing we became the computers, to see all the steps and processes they do that we don’t see. Once the shopper had selected the products they wanted, we had to match the barcode to the product. We then matched the product to the price and calculated the total of the shopping by using our addition skills. Once we had a total we took the money and made our customer a receipt. We decided it was quite hard work being a computer!


Harvest - October 2022

We have been thinking about harvest time and all the good fruit and vegetables we can be grateful for.  We wrote a ‘Thank you’ prayer, using all our good adjectives and expanded noun phrases. We enjoyed taking part in the harvest festival assembly, singing for the parents and then we delivered flowers around the village. After reading our class book, Pumpkin Soup, we made our own pumpkin soup. We all had a taste too.

P.E. (with a difference) - July 2022

It's been very warm this week so we thought we'd add water to our P.E. to cool us down. We practised our balancing, passing and moving (with wet sponges on our heads). We then travelled through the swamp and over the mountains, trying to avoid the rain. At the end we have a water fight where we ALL got very wet, including Mrs Church, Mrs Gell and Mrs Harley. We definitely cooled down! 

Eco Week - July 2022

As part of Eco week we decided to reuse our plastic bottles. We've been learning about looking after different environments, including the oceans. We read the story 'The Undersea Cleaning Spree' and were inspired to make all sorts of different fish from our bottles. They certainly brighten up the classroom! 

A Letter from Captain Peg Leg - June 2022

It was our whole school trip and we set off to Bridlington. It was a gorgeous sunny day so perfect for a day on the beach. We had great fun digging, burying our friends in the sand, building sandcastles and paddling in the pools. After lunch we made an exciting discovery whilst digging - a message in a bottle and some treasure! The message was in code so we had to wait until we returned to school to find out what it said. It was a message from Captain Peg Leg telling us about his wonderful adventures with sharks and volcanoes. He even asked if we wanted to come on his next adventure but we weren't all sure! We did, however, write back. Here are some of our photos and replies. 

Marvellous Minibeast - May 2022

We have been learning to work with clay, pinching, pressing, rolling and adding patterns to it. We then designed our very own ‘marvellous minibeast’ combining 2 minibeasts to make a new one. We ended up with butterwasps, caterflies and centibirds! We learnt how to join clay and then made our sculpture. After they had dried, we carefully painted and glazed them before finding them somewhere to live. The children loved making their very own minibeast. 

Computing and Music - May 2022

We have been combining computing and music this half term. We have been listening to music by Gustav Holst and thinking about differences in each piece we heard and thinking about pictures the music creates. We’ve then made our own music, changing the tempo, rhythm and tempo. We’ve compared this to music we’ve made using ‘Music Lab’ on the computers and iPads, wondering which is better. Some of our pieces were based on artwork by Kandinsky and the picture played as a piece of music. We decided there were good things about both! 

Maths Arrays - April 2022

In Maths we have been working practically to develop our understanding of multiplication by making arrays and looking at the repeated addition. We have also been noticing that the calculation can be done in any order. Super maths from the children in Class 1!

Easter - April 2022

We started the Easter period with learning about Shrove Tuesday and eating pancakes together. We have since learnt about the parts of the Easter story - making palm leaves and re-enacting Palm Sunday, thinking about how Jesus’ disciples felt at the Last Supper and hearing about Jesus’ death and resurrection in our assembly with ‘Open the Book.’ We have made Easter cards for home and the village and during our whole school basket making we had a special visitor - the Easter Bunny! He even left us eggs to fill our baskets!  

World Book Day - March 2022

It was lovely to see all the parents and carers in school for our reading breakfast. The children looked really good in their costumes!

Well-being Day - February 2022

As part of our mental health awareness week we had a well-being day. We chose our clothes to ‘express ourselves’, as did the teachers! We also did lots of things in class to think about our mental health - we made worry dolls that we could share our worries with, we painted things that made us happy, we shared books and read to each other. We also continued our ‘one kind word’ where we thought of something nice to say about a classmate and shared these round our indoor campfire with hot chocolate and biscuits. 

Design and Technology - Baking Bread - February 2022

Look how our bread turned out - It was delicious!

Design and Technology - January 2022

We evaluated different bread products, looking at the texture, appearance, smell and taste. We then voted for our favourites. Next we’ll decide what type of bread we would like to make in our ‘Little Weighton’ bakery.

London’s Burning, London’s Burning - January 2022

Lots of concentrating faces as we learn sign language in our music session to go with our song. We also managed to sing in a round, changing the tempo and dynamics too. 

London’s Burning - January 2022

Lots of excitement and chat as we recreate the Great Fire of London on a very mini scale. The children made lots of observations and came up with lots of questions to research later. 

Christmas Time - December 2021

The children looked great as they dressed up for the Christmas play. They did an excellent job learning all their lines and the songs and produced 3 fantastic performances for the parents to watch. 

Santa came to visit Little Weighton - December 2021

We had a very special visitor at our school today...Santa came to see us! We were very excited to see him. He told us all about his reindeers, the North Pole and even gave us an early Christmas present! We have also been delivering cards to the local community and having a mass card opening session in class too. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!


People Who Help Us - November 2021

The police came to visit us! Jess, the community police officer talked to us about all the things the police do to help us. She showed us her uniform and radio and let us try it on (including the teachers!) too. We were even allowed in the police car, but not in the driver's seat! The sirens were very loud!

Ginger Bear's Christening - November 2021

We have been learning about christenings. Today Rev'd Messer came into school to christen Ginger Bear. We had a busy morning preparing for the christening. We made cards, wrote prayers and made some party food. This afternoon we got changed into our party clothes and took part in the service. The children had different roles to play; mum, dad, godparents, guests and readers. We joined in with the service, saying prayers and singing songs. After the service we enjoyed tucking into our party food. 

Children’s Festival of Words - Room on a Broom - October 2021

We had a great time taking part in the ‘Children’s Festival of Words’ in association with ‘Puppets, Plays and Story Days’ along with other local Primary schools in the area. We listened to a retelling of ‘Room on a Broom’ told through puppets and then made our own broomsticks, hats and retold the story ourselves in dance. We later tried to fly our broomsticks but don’t think we had the flying spell quite right!

Sukkots - Autumn 1 2021

We have learning about the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Sukkot celebrates Harvest and reminds Jewish people about the time in the past when small shelters were made in the wilderness, while Jews travelled to the Promised Land. We made our Sukkots using different throws and sheets and covered them in cut out leaves and fruit. 

Autumn Term 2021

The sun was coming through the trees as we went on a lovely Autumn walk. We used all of our senses and found lots of Autumn things, including colourful crunchy leaves to play in, a cheeky squirrel up a tree and some blackberries growing on a bush. 

End of Term Fun  - Summer 2021

We have been having a fun last day thinking about what we have enjoyed over the last year, as well as playing some energetic parachute games. We were moving so fast we even blurred the pictures!

P.E. (with a difference) - July 2021

We enjoyed a P.E. lesson with a difference today...it was all very wet! We did lots of races and team games, carrying sponges on our heads, throwing water balloons and slipping down the soapy swamp (Mrs Church enjoyed a go too!). We even got to soak Miss Varley!

Farm Visit - July 2021

We had some special visitors into school today. We were very excited! We got to meet Fudge and the other animals. We brushed the rabbits and even got to hold a chick! 

Smoothie Making - April 2021

We have been making our own smoothies. First Mrs Church bought some smoothies and we tasted them - they were good. We then tasted some fruit and vegetables and decided which ones we thought we'd like in our smoothies and then we made our smoothies. We also designed some packaging for them. They were even better than the ones from the shop!


Puppet Making - March 2021

As part of our Safari topic, we made and designed our own wild animal puppets. First we investigated different puppets and how they worked and then we designed our own. When we were happy with our design, we made our own puppets. We were very pleased with how they turned out!


Santa and Christmas Houses - December 2020

We had a special visitor on party day! We had a chat with Father Christmas and he even gave us all an early present! We’ve also been making some yummy biscuit houses covered in snow. 


Party Hats and Christmas Dinner - December 2020

We’ve enjoyed watching our school performance on the big screen, as well as opening our cards, making party hats and placemats for our Christmas dinner! 

Christmas is coming.... 2020

We have been getting in the Christmas spirit by putting up our tree, delivering cards to the community, making winter paper chains and some Christmas decorations too. The children have all worked hard on our Christmas play and enjoyed dressing up in their costumes for filming. Today we enjoyed our Christmas pantomime (thanks to Friends of the School) from the comfort of our school hall. We even had ice cream in the interval!

Kings and Queens - November 2020

We made our crowns and became kings and queens for the day. We even got to make up our own rules!

Remembrance Day - November 2020

Although we couldn’t all meet together Class 3 still led our assembly, virtually! We made poppies to wear and then learnt about the soldiers who fought and those who still fight for us today.

Dig It Day - September 2020

We enjoyed the sunshine on 'Dig It' day. We weeded the beds, swept the playground and had a biscuit too.


World Book Day - March 2020

Today we all came to school dressed as our favourite book characters - Mrs Twit, the White Rabbit, Rapunzel and Harry Potter all came to school to name just a few. We were taught by The Lion (and Mouse) and The Cat in the Hat and wrote about our favourite books, made reading bookmarks, masks, as well as listening to some stories too. 

Chinese New Year - February 2020

We have been having lots of fun for Chinese New Year, from painting our names in Chinese, making dragons, dragon dancing and trying noodles and seaweed (!) too.


Christmas Time - December 2019

It is a busy time of year in our class. As well as doing our school nativity play we have been making decorations for the hall, making cards for all our community friends in the village and cards and calendars for home too. In RE we have been learning about the very first Christmas and writing the story in chapters.

Party day, party hats, Father Christmas, biscuit decorating, Christmas wreaths....

What a Show! - December 2019

All of the school put on a great performance in our Christmas Nativity. Well done Class One! - nobody showed any nerves on the stage and sang beautifully, despite the big audience.  

Writing Showcase - The Wishing Chair December 2019

Mrs Church decided to borrow Mrs Fielder's Wishing Chair and the strangest things began to happen. It swirled and twirled and whizzed out of the window and she ended up at the North Pole! The children were allowed to sit in the chair the next day (although Mrs Atkinson has to hold it down in case it took off again!!) and imagined they had been on the adventure too. Some super writing today!

Superhero School - Autumn 2019

Today we all arrived at Superhero School and our teachers looked a bit different - Banana Woman, Superfruit Girl and Super Washer Woman! We all had to make sure we had our Superhero passport before starting class. In cooking class we made Batman and Catwoman sandwiches and Batman kebabs, Spider-Man buns and Superhero biscuits. In maths we worked out who had the power of symmetry. In Science class we met Fizz Girl and found out who was the fizziest! Finally we practised our flying and jumping in P.E. class, with awards for super strength, super bounce, super agility and super speed! What a busy day! All the superheroes and teachers will sleep well tonight!

Making Lulavs Autumn 2019

We made lulavs together as part of our Sukkot celebrations. We finished the afternoon with a lulav dance.

Sukkah Building Autumn 2019

We have been learning about how Jewish people celebrate their Harvest, called Sukkot.

We built our own shelters just like the Israelites did when they escaped out of Egypt into the wilderness.

Our Park Visit Autumn 2019

Today we went to deliver our letters to our alien friend Blip in the park. He had asked us to leave them by the 'long silver thing!' We decided it was the slide. We also thought we should label the playground so that he would know the proper names for things on our planet...and we gave his some safety instructions too! We enjoyed a play at the park after all our hard work!

Treasure Island...and all things Pirate Summer 2019

This half term we have been pirates! We have read lots of pirate stories and taken ourselves on lots of pirate adventures. Like Pirate Pete we have been looking for treasure and met some sea monsters on the way. We have also been stranded on a desert island and thought of ways to survive. In Art we have created some textured seascapes. Here are some pictures to show you what we have been up to!

Down On The Farm Summer 2019

In the Summer Term we have had fun going down on the farm. We have enjoyed stories written by Martin Waddell including ‘Farmer Duck’ and ‘Pig in the Pond’. We have retold them and rewritten them. We have also made lots of farm animals out of paper plates, kitchen rolls and other creative things. We went to visit the animals at Hull Community Farm, meeting the pigs, chickens, donkeys, geese, cows and calves, sheep and the farm cat too. We tried to count the eggs that had been laid but there were too many and we visited the greenhouse to see what they were growing. It was great fun!

Going on Safari Summer 2019

We have been busy in Africa this half term. We have been on safari in our class jeep, spotting animals on the way with our binoculars. We have painted and made some African animals and are making our own sock puppets at the moment (watch this space!). We have enjoyed stories like 'Handa's Surprise' and 'Handa's Hen', retelling and recreating them. We made Handa's hut in the classroom and enjoyed making and writing in it (including signs to keep the animals away from stealing more food!). We also made African masks too!

Construction Spring 2019

Today we had a visitor in to teach us all about construction. We learnt about the different jobs we could have on the site, how to keep safe with our gloves and hard hats and how to make sure our building was level and straight. We then had a go ourselves, following the plans, working together and taking on the different roles. We had lots of fun as you can see from our photographs.


World Book Day Spring 2019

Everyone looked a bit different when they arrived at school today! All of the children (and teachers) were dressed as book characters and looked fantastic. Here are some pictures so you can see for yourself! We had fun showing off our costumes, drawing ourselves as book characters and making our 'Book in a Box' - it's still drying so we'll show you when it's finished.

Grandparents Afternoon - Autumn 2 2018

We invited our grandparents and parents into school as part of Ourselves topic.  We showed our visitors around school, made them some refreshments and asked them to complete a questionnaire with us about what it was like when they went to school.  Thank you to all the grandparents and parents that give up their time - we really enjoyed having you in school!

The Gruffalo - Autumn 1 2018

We were invited to Cottingham High School to watch the Year 11 drama group perform the Gruffalo.  We really enjoyed it, especially the workshop they organised for us.  They taught us how to act out the roles of the different characters from the story.  

Harvest Delivery - Autumn 1 2018

After our harvest assembly at school we went around the village to deliver flowers and Christmas invitations. We had lots of lovely conversations and lots of smiles from the people we visited.


The Lighthouse Keeper - Summer 2 2018

We have been enjoying reading stories about the Lighthouse Keeper and his cat! We have painted scenes from the stories, made lighthouses (small and BIG!), as well as written our own stories too.


Lighthouses - Summer 2 2018

We made some working lighthouses.  We learned how to make an electrical circuit and then we used what we had learned to make a lighthouse that lit up!  We tested the lighthouses in our tent to see if they worked. We realised that if we broke the circuit, they didn't work!

 Measuring - Summer 1 2018

We have doing lots of measuring. We started with non-standard units of measure like links, cubes and paper clips and then moved on to using our rulers, metre sticks and trundle wheels. We measured anything we could find including ourselves and the classroom floor. There was lots to measure outside too. It took a long time to measure the playground, but the sun was shining so we didn't mind!

Clay Mini-beasts Summer 1 2018

The children have designed and made their own clay mini-beasts.  They looked at different drawings of insects and learned how to model with clay and clay tools.  They then made their mini-beasts, leaving them to dry, before decorating them.

Dinosaurs - Spring 2 2018

We having been learning how to drawer dinosaurs.  We practiced on whiteboards and then scrap paper before doing our final version.  We then drew some giant dinosaurs and painted them altogether to make a big dinosaur display for our classroom.

World Book Day - Spring 2 2018

We enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day.  We brought in the book from home that matched our outfits and shared them with our friends.  We showed off our outfits in assembly too - doing a parade for the other classes!

Sox the Fire Dog - Spring 1 2018

Sox the fire dog, Jon and Mrs Pickering came to visit us in school to show us what a fire dog does.  We learned about the special shoes that Sox wears so that if there is anything sharp on the floor, he doesn't hurt his paws. Sox showed us how he can sniff out different smells. At the end of the session, we all had a little stroke of Sox. He was very soft and furry!

Fun in the Snow! - Spring 1 2018

Class One have been enjoying the snow this morning. They used their senses to explore the snow to collect words for their snow poems. They also built a big snowman and collected some snow to put in the water tray.  It was good at first but then it melted and everyone's hands got cold!  

Retelling the Nativity Story - Autumn 2 2017

As part of our RE we have been thinking about the Christmas story.  We have been learning songs and dances for the Christmas play, retelling the story and using the nativity figures to act out the story. 

Our Visit to the Streetlife Museum - Autumn 2 2017

Class One enjoyed their visit to the Streetlife Museum.  Our workshop was really good. Laura had lost her vehicle and we had to listen to the clues and see if we could find it.  It took a while!  She showed us all the different vehicles and even read us a story on one of the old buses.   Eventually we found it - it was the tram.  After our lunch we put some coins in the machines and played the different games.  The laughing policeman and the wobble board were our favourites!

Postman Pat's Picnic Autumn 1 - 2017

Class One have been busy learning how to make different foods for Postman Pat's Picnic.  We have made sandwiches, fruit kebabs and buns. We have learned why it is important to wash our hands before preparing food.  We have practised washing, peeling and chopping different fruit for our kebabs and we have used our maths skills to weigh ingredients for our buns.  We talked about the different weights, deciding which ingredients were the heaviest or lightest.  Below are some photos of us making our buns.

A Walk Around Little Weighton - Autumn 1 - 2017

Class One went for a walk around Little Weighton so that we could compare it to Postman Pat's village, Greendale.  We walked to the park, past the bus stop and then down to the pond to say,  'Hello,' to the duck.  We then walked back to the Post Office and posted a letter (we also bought some chocolate buttons!). After that we walked over the bridge and to Station Garage.  Millie told us that her Grandad had told her that when he was a little boy trains used to come to Little Weighton.  We then walked back to school and ate our chocolate buttons.  It was a busy afternoon!.  

Hull City of Culture Photography Exhibition - Summer 2 2017

Class One all became photographers for the afternoon in preparation for our photography exhibition.  We used the iPads to take photos of our school grounds.  We explored taking 'close up' photos, photos of the views around our school and even managed to experiment with light and shadow.  Miss Varley then looked at all our photographs and chose her favourite ones so they could be displayed around our grounds.  Our photography exhibition was a huge success and everyone was very impressed with our photos, especially the experts from Skidby Photography Club.  Well done to Jessica for winning the 'View From a Far' category!

Pirates - Summer 2 2017

This half term we have transformed ourselves into pirates! We have climbed aboard our pirate ship, been marooned on a desert island and followed our treasure maps to find the treasure. We have painted pirates, labelled our ship, written our speech bubbles, pirate descriptions and stories. We have been counting our treasure, sometimes sharing it! We have been busy in the pirate kitchen, making delicious meals, writing menus and making sure all the crew are fed. 

Guiseppe Arcimboldo - Summer 1 2017

As part of our work as artists this term we have learned about the work of Guiseppe Arcimboldo.  He was an artist from long ago who made portraits of people from fruit, vegetables and flowers.  We then made our own face portraits of people using different fruit and flowers.  Our portraits looked good enough to eat!


Maths is Fun! - Summer 1 2017

We have been exploring capacity by filling and emptying containers, making capacity puddles on the playground and measuring in cups and millilitres. We used our capacity vocabulary too - full, empty, half full, three quarters full, a quarter full. 

Growing Daffodils - Spring 2 2017

As part of our science topic this term we have planted some daffodil bulbs.  We have made a diary to record how we've looked after them and how they have changed.  All our daffodils grew, Franchesca's was the tallest. 

Hot and Cold - Spring 2 2017

We got our coat ready for the North and South Pole and our sunglasses ready for the desert. We've learnt about polar bears and penguins, lions and giraffes. We've camped at base camp and made jewellery in our mud hut. We've made models, done paintings, found out facts and enjoyed stories together. 

Our Jackson Pollock Styled Masterpiece - Spring 1 2017

We learned about the artist Jackson Pollock.  We then experimented with different ways of making pattern and prints using brushes, different sized wheels and construction toys from our classroom.  After that we went into the hall to create our masterpiece.  We used brushes to splatter on our canvas and then we used wellies to make footprints and even rode some bikes over the paper.  It was a good job we changed into some old clothes because it was a bit messy.  We're not sure the hall floor will recover!

Space - Spring 1 2017

We have become spacemen and jetted off into outer space in our class rocket. We met some aliens along the way, gave them names and made fact files. We built ladders to try to reach space and retold the story 'Whatever Next.'

Survival Workshop - Autumn 2 2016

The children took part in a ‘Survival Workshop.’ We thought about all the things that we need to survive and stay healthy.  We talked about the importance of keeping clean and practiced washing our hands. We knew that we needed food and water and that we needed to eat healthily so we made some tasty fruit kebabs.We talked about the word ‘shelter’ and what it meant. We then made dens and tents! We talked about the importance of sleep and going to bed at bedtime when we are told!  We even practised sleeping in our dens!

Castles - Autumn 2 2016

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that helped their children to make their castle over the Christmas holidays.  We had some very creative and unusual designs!  All the castles were really well decorated, some had doors and windows that opened, some had very impressive turrets and some even had a drawbridge that went up and down!

Charlie Chicken's Birthday - Autumn 1 2016

We have been thinking about 'belonging,' discussing which groups we belong to such as our family and school.  We then thought about things we celebrate as a family, for example our birthdays.  We were able to plan a party for our very own Charlie Chicken  (as luckily enough it was his birthday this week!).  We each made him a card, made party hats to wear and decorated some buns.  We then helped Charlie celebrate his birthday.  We enjoyed a tasty party feast, helped Charlie open his presents and we played 'Pin the Beak on the Chicken.'  Finally we helped Charlie blow out the candles on his cake!

Our Classroom Rules - Autumn 1 2016

We have been thinking about how to make our classroom a safe and happy place.  We have decided on some classroom rules.  These are our rules and the pictures below show us following them.

1) Always try to be a good friend.

2) Be safe and sensible (we said we need to walk around school and the classroom). 

3) Use good manners.

4) Take turns with our equipment.

5) Tidy up as a team.