White Gap Road, Little Weighton, East Yorkshire HU20 3XE

Tel: 01482 844743

Little Weighton Rowley C of E Primary

Together We Can...


Claire West Art Workshop - July 2024

We were lucky enough to join in another art workshop with artist, Claire West. We used all sorts of materials and techniques such as oil pastels, paints and mosaics to create seaside themed masterpieces. It was lovely to see everyone's individual creations as part of a bigger showcase all together. 

Our Butterflies - June 2024

We were very patient whilst each caterpillar built a chrysalis and transformed into a butterfly! We were able to watch as their wings grew stronger and they began to flap around. One sunny day, when they were all ready to fly, we set them free - not before having a little gentle hold first! We will keep our eyes open in the summer to see if we can spot them flying around the village!!

Our Caterpillars - May 2024

We have some very exciting visitors in our room... caterpillars have arrived! We are enjoying watching them wiggle around and grow bigger and bigger just like the Very Hungry Caterpillar! We can't wait to see them transform into butterflies!

Dig It! Day - April 2024

Foundation children had lots of fun joining in with the Dig it! Day activities. They helped to spruce up our outdoor areas by weeding, cleaning, planting and pruning. We have a new vegetable patch in our outdoor area, where we have planted carrots, lettuce and courgettes. We look forwards to watching them grow! The children also had fun enjoying some spring themed crafts in the hall and took these home to show their families.


World Book Day - March 2024

As is our tradition on World Book Day, children and their families were invited into school for breakfast and to share some books together. It's a great opportunity for families to share their love of reading and for children to share their favourite stories with each other. The children also dressed up as a character from their chosen book and enjoyed showing their friends their costumes. They shared stories throughout the day and enjoyed seeing the teachers dressed up too!

Gingerbread Men - February 2024

Following on with our 'Fairytale' theme, we decided to make some gingerbread men. We hoped they wouldn't run away before we ate them! The children worked hard to measure out the ingredients, mix them up, roll out the dough, cut the gingerbread shapes and decorate the cooked biscuits. They all looked and tasted great! We enjoyed singing 'Run, run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!' as we worked!

Fairytale Castles - January 2024

The foundation children have enjoyed learning all about fairytales and traditional stories this half term. They have been particularly interested in fairytale castles and have been busy creating their own both inside and out!

Christmas Time - December 2023

Foundation have had a fabulous time this festive season! Amongst other things, they have taken part in making decorations, the Christingle service, the Christmas Play, Christmas parties and our 'Coffee and Carols' service, where our special grown-ups come into school to enjoy some refreshments and listen to the children sing Christmas Carols they have learnt.

People Who Help Us - October 2023

We had some very exciting visitors this week! Firefighters from Beverley fire station came to our school, bringing all their equipment and their fire engine. They talked to us about what they do, showed us their uniforms and let us drive (or pretend at least) the fire engine too! We all had a great time!

Den Building - September 2023

The children have been very busy building relationships with their new classmates. As part of this, they have taken part in den building as a team. They have listened, expressed their own ideas and helped physically to create a huge den, big enough for them all. Well done, Foundation!

Water Play! - July 2023

As a special end of year treat, the children took part in a water play day! They all had fun splashing, squirting, sliding and soaking! 

Scavenger Hunt - June 2023

Foundation children take part in our weekly 'Outdoor Adventures'; this week's theme was a summer scavenger hunt. They had great fun identifying and finding the different animals and plants on the list... some were harder to find than others!

Handa's Surprise! - May 2023

This month, one of our stories was Handa's Surprise. The children really enjoyed this story, acting out scenes of the story and naming the different fruits and animals. We explored the different fruits throughout the week by feeling, smelling, weighing and ultimately.. tasting! It was exciting to taste new things!

Our Chicks! - April 2023

We have been very lucky this spring to have been able to hatch our own eggs! The children have thoroughly enjoyed watching the eggs from incubation to hatching and beyond. We were very lucky to witness some of them hatching and loved watching the chick's first steps. The children got involved with feeding the chicks and loved having cuddles with them too. We watched them grow bigger and get more feathers day after day until it was time to send them back to their farm where they are kept as pets.

Dig-it Day - April 2023

The children love getting involved with Dig It Day! We did lots of planting and pruning of our outdoor area as well as cleaning some of our equipment. Well done everyone! 

World Book Day - March 2023

We had a fabulous World Book Day! The children came to school early to have breakfast and share books with their families and friends. We had lots of fun reading the variety of stories that were chosen and the children really enjoyed dressing up as their chosen character. 

Shrove Tuesday - February 2023

The foundation children have been busy in the kitchen making pancakes this Shrove Tuesday. Some of them cracked the eggs (it got a bit messy!) then some children measured the flour and milk. They each had a go at mixing to get rid of all the lumps then watched as the pancakes were cooked on the hob. The children chose their toppings for their pancakes and enjoyed them together!

Our Trip to the Streetlife Museum -January 2023

To tie in with our transport topic, the Foundation children enjoyed a trip to the Streetlife Museum in Hull. They all loved travelling on the bus to get there and it was great fun seeing all of the different modes of transport from the past and how it compares to what we use today. Whilst we were there, the children all played on the old arcade games, particularly enjoying the Singing Policeman! They enjoyed their lunches before exploring some more and even spotting Little Weighton in on of the displays! The bus journey back home was a quiet one, with some even 'resting their eyes' for a few minutes!

Christmas Play - December 2022

For our Christmas play this year, the Foundation children played sheep, shepherds and angels. All of the children have been busy practising their song and actions, all of their parents and carers enjoyed seeing them on stage. The children also enjoyed many other Christmas themed activities throughout December; we had a Christmas Party, made 'melting snowman' biscuits, ate a Christmas feast, made and delivered Christmas cards around the village and even had a visit from Father Christmas! Luckily they were all on the good list and received an early Christmas present from him.

Road Safety Week - November 2022

It's Road Safety Week and the Foundation children have been getting involved! They have been using the bikes and cars on our 'road' in the playground whilst others have been busy being traffic controllers and controlling the traffic lights. They have learned a lot about crossing the road saftely, using zebra crossings and being sure to look both ways and how to stay close to their grown ups when out and about.

Room on the Broom - October 2022

The children have been reading the story of 'Room on the Broom', this week. In their woodland adventure session. They made their own mud paint, and then as a team they used it to paint a sheet. They then scared the grown-ups by becoming the big Little Weighton monster, just like in the story. Good team work everyone!

Water Fun - July 2022

The children enjoyed cooling off on one of the hot days with a water afternoon. The children brought in their water pistols, took turn on the slip and slide, paddled in the paddling pool and even took on the challenge of sliding from the tyre down the slide into a pool. They enjoyed an ice lolly while drying in the sun!

Eco Week - July 2022

This week we've been thinking about how to look after the environment. Instead of putting our plastic bottles in the bin we made them into colourful fish to live in our ocean themed classroom.

Father's Day - June 2022

The children invited their dads and other family members into school to enjoy and afternoon of playing together. In preparation the children made some delicious cookies and helped set up the outdoor area with things they thought their dads and carers would enjoy playing with. The children also learned a song and sang this beautifully to their dads. The weather was lovely and sunny and we think the dads enjoyed it as much as the children! 

Our Caterpillars - May 2022

The children enjoyed the story of 'The Hungry Caterpillars' so much that Ms J and Mrs Tarbotton ordered five tiny eggs into school. The children watched all the different stages of the lifecycle, from egg to beautiful butterflies. The children loved this, they even help to make some sugar water to ready for the butterflies to drink when they emerged from their cocoons. 

The Hungry Caterpillar - May 2022

The children have been enjoying the story of 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. The grown-ups have been reading the story to the children and the children have been reading it themselves in the book corner. The children have also been playing a game about the Hungry Caterpillar on the interactive whiteboard. The children's maths job focused on the Hungry Caterpillar. The children matched quantities to numerals and also made repeating patterns. In Forest School, the children went on a bug hunt in the outdoor classroom (we don't think they found any hungry caterpillars though!).

Making Nests - April 2022

Today in Forest School, the children made a gigantic nest. It was big enough for everyone to fit in. The children also enjoyed making their own smaller nests using clay and resources they found in the outdoor classroom.

Mother's Day Celebrations - March 2022

The children invited their mums and other family members into school to take part in a Mother's Day celebration. They made some tasty buns and decorated them beautifully. They decorated cups ready for mums to enjoy a nice cup of tea. The mums came and played with the children (one was even brave enough to go in the sand pit!). The children then performed a poem for their mums and then everyone enjoyed some refreshments.

Forest School - January 2022

Today in forest school, the children made some bird feeders. They used lard and seeds to create them - it was a bit messy. They added some string and then decided where they wanted to hang them. Over the next few days they enjoyed watching the birds coming to nibble on the seeds!

Christmas - December 2021

We enjoyed learning in a very festive way throughout December! We talked about ways in which we celebrate Christmas and how that might be different for different families. We worked together to decorate our environment, we practiced singing and performing our Nativity songs, strengthened our hands through cutting and making, had a class party and even enjoyed a visit from the big man himself!

People Who Help Us - November 2021

We talked about members of our family and community who help us. We were lucky enough to have a visit from a Police Officer. She talked about her job, we asked lots of questions, she brought her police car and we got to hear how loud the sirens are! We also learned about the various aspects of their uniform and got to try it on for ourselves!

Counting - October 2021

We use a mastery approach to maths and like to keep it very practical and hands-on. The children were learning about number sentences and used the bears to illustrate their number sentence. This activity helped the children understand about the composition of the number 5.

Autumn Fun - 2021

Autumn is a time of year that offers us lots of learning opportunities! We talked about the changing colours of the leaves and how they fall off the trees, we counted and rolled conkers and we planted some bulbs that we will watch bloom in the spring!

Back to School - September 2021

We were all so happy to be back at school in September and welcomed some new faces into our Foundation group. We enjoyed getting back into the routines of school and learning through play. We had a 'dig it' day, where we cleaned and did some planting. We are so happy to be together again!


Water Escapades - July 2021

To end the year we enjoyed a water day! We got lucky with the weather and enjoyed some fun in the sun. The children enjoyed squirting the teachers a little too much!!!

Purple Pig Farm Visit - July 2021

We loved having the Purple Pig farm come to our school! We learned about all the animals, how they are cared for and what they eat. We got the chance to stroke and brush some of the animals too. It was a great learning opportunity!

Bridlington - June 2021

We enjoyed a whole-school trip to the beach in the summer term. We looked on a map where we live in the world and how we are lucky enough to be able to visit the sea side. We enjoyed digging, carrying water and working collaboratively on our sand creations. Some of us were brave enough to go for a paddle too! We also got a special treat at the end of the day. There were some sleepy children on the bus back!

Fruit Kebabs - May 2021

We talked about eating healthily, the food groups and what types of 'fuel' our bodies need. We decided to make some fruit kebabs for a healthy snack, and strengthened our hands by chopping the fruit and carefully sticking them on the kebab sticks. What a yummy treat!

Christmas - December 2020

The children all took part in our Christmas performance. They enjoyed singing the songs and learning the actions to go with them. We hope you enjoyed watching it at home!

Children in Need - November 2020

We had such a fun day raising money for Children in Need! We iced some Pudsey biscuits and added some spots on them the form of sweets, had a letter hunt outside (which spelled “Spots on the Teddy”), did some fun party games in the hall and then enjoyed our biscuits and hot chocolate to finish off!

Foundation - September 2020

When we start school, a big part of our learning is getting to know the routines at school, getting to know our classmates and teachers, learning how to become more independent and engaging in lots of learning through play.

Remembrance Day - November

We joined the rest of the school for a very special Remembrance Service, planned and performed by Class 3. We each made our own poppies to wear to the service and we all sat very well, listening and learning. Class 3 then handed out some more poppies that they had made and took all the children outside where we each planted one in our own Poppy Garden. Class 3 made good use our our new outdoor classroom, where they recited poems, prayers and handed out some real poppy seeds for us to look at and plant. All of the nursery children took part and listened very carefully to what the older children were saying.



William's Den!

We had a fantastic day at William's Den! We started off the morning inside, climbing, sliding, playing in the sand and getting wet in the stream before we had a well deserved snack. Then we had a good play in the big sand pit outside, then moved on to the tunnels and bridges before each having a turn on the zip wire! We all had lunch in our very own private tee-pee and sand some songs before getting stuck into the afternoon. We went out into the meadow armed with brushes, nets and cups and went on a minibeast hunt! By then we were all worn out and went inside for some ice cream before heading back to school. The children all really enjoyed themselves are were all on their best behaviour! The staff at William's Den commented on how good the group was, so the staff are all very proud of them!

The Tour de Yorkshire!

We have had a very busy morning celebrating the Tour de Yorkshire, which passed though part of the village. Some children made crafts to decorate our classroom with, using lots of blues and yellows. We all went out onto the big playground with bikes and scooters to play games and race each other. 

Dig it Day!

Spring has finally arrived, perfect timing for Dig It Day! The whole school worked together all morning to spruce up our outside areas. The nursery children were all keen to get involved too so they all put on some overalls and got to work. They were eagerly busy snipping, digging and pulling out some very resistant roots! They also did a lot of scrubbing and cleaning to brighten up our nursery garden toys. Some children were busy filling pots with fresh compost and planting some colourful flowers, which they will all help to water through the summer term. All of the children worked really hard and made a fantastic team!

Easter Crafts

The Easter Bunny was busy preparing all of the chocolate for delivery, the nursery children made some Easter baskets to collect them in. The children joined Class 1 in their room and were very busy using scissors and glue to make their own baskets. The children decorated them with chicks and eggs and, once they were finished, left them in the nursery overnight to see what happened. Of course they were not disappointed, as the Easter Bunny came and delivered some treats for all of the children! He even left a note on the whiteboard for them, wishing everyone a very happy Easter!

World Book Day!

On World Book Day all the children dressed up as a character from their favourite book and joined us for breakfast in the school hall. All the teachers were very impressed with their costumes, in the nursery we had Spiderman, Owlette, a mermaid, Chase, Ironman, Goldilocks, a ladybird, a Viking, a policeman and Goldilocks (again)! The whole school got together to listen to some stories and of course, show off their incredible costumes!

Fun in the Snow!

We had so much fun in the snow! We have had many days of snow this winter (and Spring!) which has given us many opportunities to make snow angels, build snowmen and go sledging. We even brought the snow inside to mix with colours to create some lovely pictures and make some delicious slushies. We went onto the big playground too, where some children were writing their names in the snow!

Sox the Fire Dog!

We had a very special visitor in school... Sox, the Fire Dog! We all joined Class 1, who were learning about the fire service, in the school hall and watched as Sox demonstrated his skills. Sox was very clever and was used by the fire service to sniff out the cause of a fire. We saw his special boots that he wore to protect his feel and got to see him in action, sniffing out some substances from the children's shoes! Afterwards we were all allowed to stroke him and tell him how clever he was!